Turon Na Saging (Filipino Snack)

Recipe source : Peng's Kitchen
  • 10  large pieces spring roll pastry
  • 4 saba bananas 
  • 6 pieces jackfruit, sliced into strips
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • cornflour water (1 tsp cornflour + 2 tsp water)
  • toasted sesame seeds for coating (optional)


1. Slice the banana length-wise into 3 slices. 

2. Coat the banana slices and jackfruit with brown sugar.

  1. In a large plate, lay the spring roll wrapper with one of the corners facing you.
  2. Place 2 slices of bananas and 3-4 slices of jackfruit in the middle of the wrapper.
  3. Roll up the wrap and fold in the sides. 
  4. Smear some cornflour paste at the edge to seal the roll.

  1. Heat some oil in a medium saucepan, lower heat and deep fry the rolls till golden brown.

  1.  Drain well and place on greaseproof paper to absorb excess oil.

  1. Rest for 5 mins before serving, careful..... the filling is hot..

                                                              " Anyone Can Cook "


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