Rich and Moist Chocolate Banana Cake

100 gm salted butter
120 gm castor sugar
1 egg
5 golden bananas
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
150 gm flour
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup chocolate chips
some chopped walnuts

1 ) Preheat the oven to 160C .
2 ) Prepare the bread pan size 8 x 4inc . Apply with a little butter and bottom liner paper cake pan .
3 ) Mashed bananas until fine ~ aside
4 ) Sift flour , soda and cocoa powder ~ aside
5 ) Beat butter and sugar until creamy
6 ) Add the eggs and beat again .
7 ) Add the vanilla powder , banana and sour cream and beat until well mixed
8 ) Add the flour, soda and cocoa that was in the sieve and mix with a spatula by folding back. 

9 ) Add the half of the chocolate chips and mix well.
10 ) Pour the batter into the pan, and spread evenly
11 ) Sprinkle balance chocolate chips and chopped walnuts on top of cake
12 ) Bake in the oven at 160C under low heat for 45 minutes.
13 ) Once the cake is cooked, let the cake cool on a wire rack before cut.


  1. Hi sis..what a nice blog...thanks for joining my blog...nice to know u :)

  2. Thank you Evelyn......nice to meet you sweet of you

  3. This cake looks super moist and delicious!

    1. yeah...really moist...and rich of taste... thanks Miss.Jeannie..


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